Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog Re-Vamped...

So, I haven't been involved in the "Pick-up" community for sometime now, but I would like to start blogging again. Although I will be addressing select "relationship" topics, the main focus of this blog will be whatever my main focus is at the time.

Just to address what happened in brief...

I was part of Pickup101 and moved with a handful of guys to the east coast to establish operations on this side of the country. Soon after the move, the company became too big and I eventually amicably parted ways. In attempt to keep teaching (and because I lived with all the guys), I was part of LVO3 when it was starting up. However, I did not agree where the company was going for many reasons. Sean's a well intentioned person, but I do not agree with his advice. His contribution is to inspire people and play an authority figure to motivate people into action, but he has no consistency in either his personal life or teachings and I really couldn't support that - not to mention I busy involved in my own life and didn't have time.

If people have questions, I'd be happy to address them, but otherwise I'm not going to make this my focus.

Stay tuned for more.

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