So, let me lay down some experience. And I’m not talking dating advice here; I’m talking about how to make a change in your life. Having started from an unhappy guy to a guy satisfied with his love life – I want to let you know the deal.
If you’re actually going to make a change – then do it. Don’t wait around for your inner game to get better, to memorize a few routines, or to practice your openers.
Having known about the community – and all the concepts – for years now I can say one thing.
Reading didn’t help me get better once. It helped me to change the way I thought, but in terms of affecting my ability to meet girls it has minimal returns.
When you take a pickup101 workshop, you won’t learn anything that you couldn’t read about somewhere on the internet. There truly aren’t any secret revolutionary concepts that we save ONLY for workshops.
I’m serious, go read some reviews. They’ll talk about all of the concepts, exercises, and advice that we give. Read enough of them and I’ll bet you could put together a pretty good manual to refer too.
You know why we don’t care that something like this could even exist? I mean, aren’t all of our “trade secrets” going to get out? The answer is NO, because we have no reason to hide it.
We have no reason to hide it because it really won’t help anyone.
Think about it. How do you get better at public speaking, by reading or by practicing? How do you learn how to act, by reading or by practicing? How do learn stand up comedy, by reading or by practicing?
Interacting with people is a physical skill – NOT a intellectual one. So, then why wouldn’t your physically practice? This concept it really the core of why Pickup101 workshops are so effective. It has EVERYTHING to do with practicing.
Hell, ask our interns if even being present at a workshop helps. These guys get to sit front row and center in on the whole weekend, but do NOT participate at all other then observing. They’ll tell you it was cool, but it doesn’t even come close to actually participating in the exercises.
Having said this, I get really frustrated at intro-seminars. I get frustrated because guys who come spend $50 to come see what we’re about. If you decide after that it’s not for you – that’s totally cool. The people who drive me nuts are the guys who really want to take the workshop, but don’t.
They spend enough time and money on the internet researching us, paying the money, coming down to the seminar, listening for two hours, and chatting to us afterwards. They think waiting is going to make a difference.
They need to wait until they fix their inner game, learn new openers, learn new routines, or whatever else. They fail to realize that this will in fact make it harder later. They’ll be so caught up thinking that they won’t be able to ACT.
That’s really what this is about – taking action. Who cares if you know what you’re supposed to do, but can’t actually do it. Sure, you may give great advice to your friends, how does that help you?
And the money…it’s never a good time to spend $2,000, but I personally found the workshop more rewarding than my college education which cost me $20,000. And I spent that money without thinking twice.
But let’s really talk about the money, because that always seems to be the issue. Ever thought about the opportunity cost of the money for you economically oriented guys?
I have spent tons of money on women - flowers, dinners, drinks, dates. If I really had to think about how much I have actually spent on a woman, I might actually cry. And I’ve never even been married and had to pay for a ring, a wedding, a house, or kids. What happens when that all fails apart because you settled on a woman, rather then marrying someone you really were into. Someone you could handle because you have the experience.
Have you seen what the cost of a divorce really looks like?
Why NOT spend that money on yourself so that instead of making some woman happy, you can make yourself happy. Empower yourself rather then taking her on a date. How many bad dates do you have to go on before you realize that you have wasted $2,000. How much will you kick yourself in the butt a year from now knowing that you could have taken this, but instead you wasted $2,000 and have NOTHING to show for it?
Spend that money on yourself rather then someone else. Make your own life better. You’re going to spend it somewhere, maybe not all at once, but somewhere. Hold off buying that new LCD TV, golf clubs, or computer and spend it on something that is truly going to make a difference in your life.
Spend the money on making your relationships better instead of things to occupy your time distracting from being unhappy about the fact that you have no woman in your life to share it with.
Or don’t….
When you come to that workshop, I’m not going to ask you why you’re not going to take it. You won’t need to make any excuses to me.
The only excuse that you’ll need to make is to yourself.pickup 101
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Pickup 101 Intro Seminar – What are you waiting for?!
Posted by Joe Brody at 11:28 AM
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Awesome post man. I am copying and forwarding to friends that need to take a workshop, but keep putting it off. -Zach P.
Thanks man. I'm sure you get as irritated as I do. Just knowing that they'll be 10 times happier after always drives me nuts. Especially when you know that they are secretly (or openly) struggling.
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